Principles of Publication

Principles of Publication

The media organ of Trakya University Faculty of Letters, TUJFL is an international refereed journal. The Journal of Faculty of Letters (TUJFL) has been published biannually on January and July since 2011.

Trakya University Journal of Faculty of Letters (TUJFL) aims to contribute to Turkish scientific world through publishing original, national and international research articles which examine scientific issues and problems and offer solutions from all subfields of social sciences especially culture art, language, literature, history, art history, folklore, archeology, etc. It also aims to provide a fair basis for scientists having studies with aforementioned qualities to present their studies to scientific world as quickly as possible.  

The publication language of the journal is Turkey Turkish. However, the journal may include up to five articles in other Turkish dialects, Balkan languages and English. The publication prerequisite is the compliance of Turkish articles to the latest spelling rules of Turkish Language Society (TDK) and the articles in foreign language to the relevant spelling rules of that language. 

All intellectual, ethical, legal and other responsibilities of the published articles belong to their authors. All authors are also responsible for acquiring copyright permissions of all images, figures, tables, etc. used in their manuscripts. Trakya University Journal of Faculty of Letters is not responsible for any kind of legal problems arising from this issue.

This content was issued on 23.11.2023 and has been viewed for 833 times.