Author Guidelines


1. Writing rules and abbreviations of Institute of Turkish Language (TDK) is advised to be followed in articles.

2. Articles submitted to the Journal should be on a standard A4 page layout, with one side of the paper containing written material. Articles should be submitted in "Times New Roman" font, font size set to 11 and single spaced with margins 6.5 cm at the top, 5 cm at the bottom, 4 cm at the right and the left with 1 cm binding space.

3. Three identical hard copies of the article (two copies should not include author’s name, academic title and institute) and a one copy on CD should be submitted to the editor. Articles should not exceed 20 pages. Articles exceeding 20 pages may not be published.

4. The paragraphs should start leaving a 0.5 cm space. The main title should be centered and in capital letters and placed after leaving the first 4 lines of the paper blank. The subtitles should be placed in accordance with the paragraph layout (leaving a 0.5 cm space). The name(s) of the writer(s) should be written below the heading and on the right. The academic title of author(s), his/her institution (university, faculty, department or other) and electronic mail adress should be given as footnotes. No title other than academic title may be used.

5. The title and author’s name is followed by the abstract in Turkish. (the word ÖZ is centered and written in capital letters). The abstract in Turkish should be between 100- 250 words. The abstract in Turkish is followed by the abstract in English. Keywords (3-8 words) follow both abstracts. The name of the article in foreign language should be written in capitals before the title (ABSTRACT). The Turkish and English titles of the article should be written in Times New Roman font, font size set to 11, and the Turkish and English abstracts should be written in Palatino Linotype font, font size set to 8.

6. In research and review articles the text should be arranged as abstract-ÖZ (Turkish and English) and article body. In articles written in foreign language, the types of the aforementioned parts in foreign language are used and the same arranging should be made.

7. Footnotes: The sources used in an academic article are mentioned in footnotes. Footnotes should be written in 9 font size. The sources are given in detail when they are mentioned for the first time as in the example below.

a. Books: Author’s Name, Surname, Book’s Name (in italics), Publisher, Edition, Publishing Place, Year, Page Number.

Example: Necmettin Hacıeminoğlu, Türkçenin Karanlık Günleri, Türk Edebiyatı Vakfı Publications, 1st Edition, İstanbul, 2003, p. 18.

If mentioned for the second time; N. Hacıeminoğlu, ibid, p. 19.

b. Essays: Author’s Name, Surname, Essay’s Name (in quotation), Journal’s/Book’s name (in italics), Volume No, Issue No, Publishing Place and Year, Page Number.

Example: Necmettin Hacıeminoğlu, “Türk Dilinin Mantık Sistemi ve Kelime Aileleri”, Türk Kültürü Araştırmaları Journal, V. XXVIII, Issue 1/2, 1990, p. 179-196.

If mentioned for the second time; N. Hacıeminoğlu, ibid., p. 182.

c. It is up to the author’s choice whether to write the sources in parentheses after the information in footnotes.

8. References: The title REFERENCES in capital letters should be centered. The works in sources should be in 10 font size. Since the works in the references section are listed alphabetically by surname, the works will not be given section numbers and the authors’ titles will not be used. The references list is given as Author’s Surname, Name, the essay’s title if any (in quotation), journal’s and book’s name (in italics), compiler’s or translator’s name if any, Volume, Issue No, Edition if any, Publishing Place and year. If more than one work of an Author are used as references, they should be listed by date from the oldest to the newest or by alphabetical order. Internet based resources may also be used provided that date of access is mentioned.


a. Books: Author’s Surname, Name, Book’s Name (in italics), Publisher, Edition, Publishing Place and Year.

Example: Hacıeminoğlu, Necmettin, Türkçenin Karanlık Günleri, Türk Edebiyatı Vakfı Publications, 1st Edition, İstanbul, 2003.

b. Essays: Author’s Surname, Name, Essay’s Name (in quotation), Journal’s/Book’s name (in italics), Volume No, Issue No, Publishing Place and Year, Page Number.

Example: Hacıeminoğlu, Necmettin, “Türk Dilinin Mantık Sistemi ve Kelime Aileleri”, Türk Kültürü Araştırmaları Journal, V. XXVIII, Issue 1/2, 1990, p. 179-196.

9. Images, figures and graphics should not exceed the writing page area and they should be clear enough to be printed offset. Their number and name should be given below the respective figures and graphics.

10. In one issue, more than two works containing the same writer as the first name are not published.

11. Two issues of the Journal are sent to the writers whose article is published.

12. Articles not published in the Journal are not returned to the authors.

13. Essays may be sent electronically to the e-mail addresses below.

e-mail: or

Additionally, if you are a Dergipark member, you can send a message directly to the editor using the message button.
This content was issued on 23.11.2023 and has been viewed for 374 times.