Editorial Principles and Policy

Ethical Principles / Code of Ethics

Trakya University Faculty of Letters Journal complies with the following issues for the TR Index, effective from 2020, and requests the author to comply.
a. Separate ethics committee approval must be obtained for research conducted in all branches of science, including social sciences, and for clinical and experimental studies on humans and animals that require an ethics committee decision, and this approval must be stated and documented in the article.
b. Under this heading, information about ethical rules should be given under separate headings for the referee, author and editor.
c. Articles must include a statement that Research and Publication Ethics are complied with.
D. In studies requiring ethics committee permission, information about the permission (committee name, date and issue number) should be included in the method section and also on the first/last page of the article. In case reports, information about signing the informed consent/consent form must be included in the article.
In addition, scientific articles sent to Trakya University Faculty of Letters Journal are published in accordance with the guidelines and policies published in open access by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (For example, the "Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Code of Conduct and Best Practice for Journal Editors" Guides; International Standards for Editors and Authors of “Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors” and “COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors”) should be taken into consideration.

Journal Policy

Transfer of Copyright

Studies sent to Trakya University Faculty of Letters Journal for publication must be original works that have not been previously published or submitted simultaneously for publication.
Authors must agree to waive the copyright of their work and transfer the copyright of their work to Trakya University, Faculty of Letters, along with the submission for evaluation. Trakya University Faculty of Letters Journal Editorial Board is authorized to publish the article. In addition, the author/or authors' "Patent rights, all unregistered rights other than copyright, the right to reproduce the work for their own purposes, provided that they do not sell it, the right to use a part of the work in the author's own books and other academic studies, provided that the source is cited, to indicate the citation of the work. The right to keep it on personal websites or in the open archive of the university is reserved.
Authors who will send articles to Trakya University Faculty of Letters Journal must fill out the "Copyright Transfer Form". If there is more than one author, each author must sign a single form with a wet signature. After the signed form is scanned in the scanner (photographs are not accepted), it must be uploaded to the Dergipark system together with the article. Articles that do not upload the Copyright Transfer Form to the system will not be evaluated and the article will not be published.

Fee Policy
No article processing fee is requested from authors for articles published in Trakya University Faculty of Letters Journal. No royalties are paid to the author.
No royalties are paid to the referees who evaluate the articles of Trakya University Faculty of Letters Journal.
Article Evaluation Stage
The articles are first evaluated by the editorial board for compliance with the publishing principles and content of Trakya University Faculty of Letters Journal, language and narrative competence, etc. evaluated objectively from different perspectives. The editorial board may request changes to the article from the author; The article corrected by the author is re-evaluated by the editorial board. The editorial board has the right to directly reject submitted articles.
If there is no reason to reject the studies, they are sent to at least two referees who are experts in their fields, using the "Double Blind Refereeing" method (by removing the names and metadata of the authors from the study text). The evaluation process of the manuscripts continues in accordance with the "Double Blind Referee" principle at every stage.

Correction and Withdrawal Processes

In line with the publishing policies of Trakya University Faculty of Letters Journal, the responsibilities of the authors and the Editorial Board regarding the withdrawal of works in the publication process are listed below:
Authors must complete the retraction procedures with the journal editor regarding their studies that have been published, accepted through the referee process, taken into early view or in the evaluation phase.
In order to withdraw a study under evaluation, authors must fill out the Retraction Form and send the scanned version, signed with each author's wet signature, to the journal editorship via e-mail or through the DERGİPARK journal management system. Authors in this case cannot send their studies to another journal for evaluation unless approved by the Editorial Board.

Trakya University Faculty of Letters Journal Editorial Board may review the work if there is a suspicion of copyright or unethical situation regarding an article that has been published, is in early form or is at the evaluation stage. As a result of the review, if it detects a situation that does not comply with copyrights or research ethics in an article under evaluation, it may withdraw the article from evaluation and notify the author of the review result.
If the editorial board detects a situation that does not comply with copyrights or research ethics in a published or early version of the work, it carries out the following withdrawal and notification procedures.
1. The phrase "Withdrawn:" is added to the front of the work title accessed via electronic media.
2. Instead of the Abstract and Full Text links on the electronic environment, the reasons for the withdrawal of the study are published together with the notifications of the institutions and organizations to which the authors are affiliated, if any.
3. "Withdrawn: Working Title" is added to the list of contents of the electronic and printed copies of the first issue to be published as of the date of retraction, and the reasons for the retraction and the original quotations cited as a reference are shared with the public and researchers, starting from the first page.
4. The withdrawal notifications listed above are forwarded to the institutions and organizations where the journal is indexed and to the National Library Directorate for recording in index systems and catalogues.
Dear authors, the writing rules of our journal have changed. Please prepare your articles according to the new spelling rules. If your article does not comply with the spelling rules, it will be returned.

This content was issued on 23.11.2023 and has been viewed for 482 times.